Member-only story
Photo by Kelley — Las Vegas 2020
How Can we Change, Really?
Things that have come to light this year show how difficult that is.
By Kelley
Do you guys Remember the Titans? Thats the movie my son chose for us the other night.
I’d seen it before, and I remember being SO SHOCKED to find out this Virginia school was first desegregated in 1971. 1971! I was alive in 1971, and my school education or my societal education was always presenting racism as a thing of the past, like, sure revolutionary war figures were slave owners, but look at Rosa Parks not giving up her seat — to me that was a great example of taking a stand without hurting another person. But 1971!!
Of course, I guess one only needs to watch the Amy Cooper video where this woman simultaneously shows that racism AND animal abuse is alive and well in 2020.
At least there seems to be some forward movement here. I’m not all for ruining a person’s whole life for a moment of stupidity, but COME ON, people! If you’ve managed to reach the age of 40 without figuring out that when you open your mouth, consequences come out, maybe it takes a grand consequence to you, personally, to learn this important life lesson. At least she learned it without killing…