Haha, as a writer, to this day I get frustrated at my own self-flagellation if I don’t write EVERY DAY or at least 1000 words or put an hour into self-marketing or create the outline for my next book while standing on my head and flinging Pollock-ish paint drops onto the paper. (I made that last one up, but…)
I also leap down the health rabbit hole of life hacks because a) I have MS, b) I’m over 50, and c) excuse more vulgar stereotyping, but I’m female. At least with that one I give each hack a good amount of time and trial before I adopt or dismiss. It’s pretty trial-and-error, but to be honest, after over 25 years experience with having MS, I think we’re still at the trial-and-error phase with that disease across the board.
Anyway, thanks for the read! I appreciate it!