Member-only story
Exploding Heads
by Kelley
Okay, I know the whole internet ‘down the rabbit hole’ is a real thing. And it’s here with a vengeance in the past several months, not only due to the pandemic, but because of all the events happening amidst it. Can you say #ELECTIONYEAR? How about #BLM?
To start, I just randomly clicked on this tweet from author @Ken_Weene, about child sex trafficking and conspiracy theory dangers that can detract from or deflect the real and crucial issue of trafficking.
But THEN I was like, WTH is Qanon? I’d heard of anonymous, of course, mostly because of ComicCon last year — there was a group of protesters in those anonymous creepy blank angry face masks, touting signs about anti-vaccination that were horribly misinformed, misspelled, and basically just missed the boat, in my opinion. Mostly BECAUSE they wore the anonymous masks.
I mean, I think people should have opinions, for sure. But they really need to support the opinions with numbers and studies from legitimate sources, like the NIH or the CDC, maybe the American Cancer Society or Harvard Medical School? Like that. NOT from or
And once they’ve come to those opinions, they should share them, loud and proud and I Am CitizenofthisPlanet, Hear Me Roar! Not ‘I Have an Opinion, But Damned if I’ll Share it in Public.’